Saturday 4 May 2013

Chapter 7: Wireless Technologies and the Modern Organization

7.1 Wireless Technologies:

·       Wireless devices: are small devices which produced for people who travel from one place to another. It will save and allocate their time between personal and professional obligations.
o   Capabilities of Wireless Devices:
§  Bluetooth, Wi- Fi, Digital Camera, GPS, QWERTY keyboard…

·       Wireless Transmission Media:
o   Microwave transmission systems
o   Satellite transmission:

§  Geostationary (GEO)
§  Medium-earth-orbit (MEO)
§  Low-earth-orbit (LEO)
o   Radio transmission
o   Infrared: red light that is not visible for human eyes and it is used in remote control in VCR.DVD and CD.
7.2 Wireless Computer Networks and Internet Access:
·       Short range wireless networks:
o   Bluetooth.
o   Ultra Wideband Network (UWB).
o   Near Field Communication Network (NFC).
·       Medium range wireless networks:
o   Wireless Fidelity (Wi-Fi).
o   Wireless Mesh Networks.
·       Wide area wireless networks:
o   Cellular Radio:
§  1st Generation: analog signals and low bandwidth.
§  2nd Generation: digital signals for voice and data communication up to 10 Kbps.
§  2.5 Generation: digital voice and data communication up to 144 Kbps.
§  3rd Generation: digital voice and data communication up to 384 Kbps.
o   Wireless Broadband or WIMAX: is more secured and can access to rural areas.
7.3 Mobile Computing and Mobile Commerce:
·       Mobile computing: designed for people who travel and do their work from anywhere. It has 2 characteristics:
o   Mobility: they can carry the mobile device to any place.
o   Broad reach: when they carry an open mobile, they can be reached even they are in a great distance.
o   These two characteristics created five value-added attributes that break the barriers of geography and time:
§  Ubiquity
§  Convenience
§  Instant connectivity
§  Personalization
§  Localization of products and services

·       Mobile Commerce: is driven by 5 factors, which are:
o   Widespread availability of mobile devices.
o   No need for a PC.
o   The “Cell phone culture”.
o   Declining prices.
o   Bandwidth improvement.
·       Mobile Commerce Applications:
o   Financial Services:
o   Mobile Banking
o   Wireless Electronic Payment Systems
o   Micropayments
o   Mobile (Wireless) Wallets
o   Wireless Bill Payments
o   Intra business Applications
o   Accessing Information via:
§  Mobile Portal
§  Voice Portal
o   Location-Based Applications:
o   Shopping from Wireless Devices.
o   Location-based Advertising.
o   Location-based Services.
o   Wireless Telemedicine.
o   Telemetry Application.
7.4 Pervasive Computing:
·       Radio frequency identification (RFID): technology allows manufacturers to attach tags with antennas and computer chips on goods and then track their movement through radio signals.
·       Wireless sensor networks (WSNs): are networks of interconnected, battery-powered, wireless sensors that are placed into the physical environment.
7.5 Wireless Security:
·       major threats to wireless networks:
o   Rogue access point: is an unauthorized access point to a wireless network.
o   War driving: is the act of locating WLANs while driving around a city or elsewhere.
o   Eavesdropping: refers to efforts by unauthorized users to try to access data traveling over wireless networks.
o   RF (Radio frequency) jamming: is when a person or a device intentionally or unintentionally interferes with your wireless network transmissions.

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